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The principle of public partnership is at the core of the EU integration policies and entails close collaboration between governmental institutions, the private sector, NGOs, academic community, and the citizens for the achievement of advancing socio-economic development. After accession to the EU the Bulgarian public institutions are expected to effectively engage in endorsing public partnership in the policy agenda setting and implementation of policies. But so far Bulgaria's EU membership has proved problematic rather than constructive as regards achieving sustainable socio-economic results through efficiency, transparency and accountability of the policy-making. Drawing empirical evidence from the academic and expert literature on public partnership in Bulgaria, semi-structured interviews with leading NGO representatives and review of ministerial Internet sites, the dissertation explores how the post-communist context of policy-making affects public partnership practices. The findings raise a theoretical and politico-practical question - how is a civilisational transformation of a post-communist society possible, especially in view of the routinely failed attempts for reform. The results point that, because public partnership practices are not seen by state institutions as having particularly high stakes, institutions are more prone to opening up for such collaborations (perceived as sporadic, temporary) than for more profound reforms for social change. Thus public partnership is not simply a structure for political intermediation; it can be a phase of an advancing social transformation.