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Readings in international economics /

Автор-организации: American Economic Association.
Други автори: Caves, Richard E., (comp.), Johnson, Harry G. 1923-1977, (comp.)
Формат: Книга
Език: English
Публикувано: Homewood, Ill., Published for the Association by R.D. Irwin, 1968.
Серия: Series of republished articles on economics ; v. XI.
  • 1. Theory of comparative advantage: Factor proportions and comparative advantage / Romney Robinson (The quarterly journal of economics) ; tariffs, the terms of trade, and the distribution of national income / Lloyd A. Metzler (The journal of political economy) ; International factor-price equalisation once again / Paul A. Samuelson (The economic journal) ; Factor endowment and relative commodity prices / T.M. Rybczynski (Economica) ; Factor endowments, international trade; and factor prices / Harry G. Johnson (The Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies) ; Distribution, demand, and equilibrium in international trade : a diagrammatic analysis / Peter B. Kenen (Kyklos)
  • 2. International factor movements: International trade and factor mobility / Robert A. Mundell (The American economic review) ; The transfer problem and transport costs / Paul A. Samuelson (The economic journal) ; The transfer problem and exchange stability / Harry G. Johnson (The journal of political economy) ; The benefits and costs of private investmentfrom abroad : a theoretical approach / G.D.A. MacGougall (The economic record)
  • 3. Trade policy and welfare: The symmetry between import and export taxes / A.P. Lerner (Economica) ; The new welfare economics and gains in international trade / Robert E. Baldwin (The quarterly journal of economics) ; Some problems in the pure theory of international trade / Gottfried Haberler (The economic journal) ; Domestic distortions, tariffs, and the theory of optimum subsidy / Jagdish Bhagwati and V.K. Ramaswami ; On making the best of balance of payments restrictions on imports / J. Marcus Fleming (The economic journal) ; A theory of customs unions : a general survey / R.G. lipsey (The economic journal)
  • 4. Trade, growth, and development: Economic development and international trade / Harry G. Johnson (Nationaløkonomisk tidsskrift) ; Immiserizing growth : a geometrical note / Jagdish Bhagwati (The review of economic studies) ; The distribution of gains between investing and borrowing countries / W.H. Singer (The American economic review) ; The "classical theory" of international trade and the underdeveloped countries / Hla Myint (The economic journal)
  • 5. Balance of payments and exchange stability: Currency depreciation, income, and the balance of trade / Arnold C. Harberger (The journal of political economy) ; Effects of a devaluation on a trade balance / Sidney S. Alexander (IMF staff papers) ; Towards a general theory of the balance of payments / Harry G. Johnson (International trade and economic growth : studies in pure theory) ; The role of money in trade-balance stability : synthesis of the elasticity and absorption approaches / S.C. Tsiang (The American economic review) ; The case for flexible exchange rates / Milton Friedman (Essays in positive economic)
  • 6. International payments and national income: The long-run dollar problem / J.R. Hicks (Oxford economic papers) ; Longer-run problems of the balance of payments / T.W. Swan (The Australian economy : a volume of readings) ; The process of international adjustment under conditions of full employment : a Keynesian view / Lloyd A. Metzler (read before Econometric Society, December 1960) ; Capital mobility and stabilization policy under fixed and flexible exchange rates / Robert A. Mundell (The Canadian journal of economics and political science)
  • 7. Empirical investigations of international trade and payments: Domestic production and foreign trade : the American capital position re-examined / Wassily Leontief (Economia internazionale) ; Measurement of price elasticities in international trade / Guy H. Orcutt (The review of economics and statistics) ; British and American exports : a study suggested by the theory of comparative costs / G.D.A. MacDougall (The economic journal) ; Tariff protection in industrial countries : an evaluation / Bela Balassa (The journal of political economy).