  • ""CONTENTS""; ""PREFACE""; ""Part One: Intelligence Officer, 1939â€?1945""; ""1 Joining Up""; ""2 Secret Intelligence Work""; ""3 War Staff College""; ""4 On Foot in the Blackout""; ""5 Chargé d'Affaires""; ""Part Two: External Affairs, 1945â€?1969""; ""6 Robertson, Pearson, St Laurent""; ""7 New York and Frisco, Bonn and Paris""; ""8 A Rotten, Stinking, Depressing Job""; ""9 Intense Midday Heat""; ""10 Winds of Change""; ""Part Three: Rethinking Security, 1970â€?1994""; ""11 Compromise Candidate""; ""12 Tough Cases""; ""13 October 1970""; ""14 McDonald, Keable, CSIS""; ""15 Spy Novelist""
  • ""Epilogue: Security and Democracy""""APPENDICES""; ""A: Documents re Wartime Military Intelligence""; ""B: My Father's Memoir (Excerpt)""; ""C: Planning Assumptions for Exercise Lazarus (1967)""; ""D: Memoranda re Security and Intelligence (1969)""; ""E: 'Current Threats to National Order and Unity â€? Quebec Separatism' (1969)""; ""F: Minutes of Cabinet Meeting (19 December 1969)""; ""G: Meeting re Stated Aims of 1969 (16 March 1973)""; ""H: 'The FLQ and Quebec' (1970)""; ""I: CCPP Minutes on 'Law and Order' (1970)""; ""NOTES""; ""INDEX""; ""A""; ""B""; ""C""; ""D""; ""E""; ""F""; ""G""
  • ""H""""i""; ""j""; ""k""; ""l""; ""m""; ""n""; ""o""; ""p""; ""q""; ""r""; ""s""; ""t""; ""u""; ""v""; ""w""; ""y""; ""z""