  • Acknowledgements xi; List of Illustrations xiii; Notes on Editions xv; Preface xvii; Chapter One: The Child and Childhood in the Eighteenth-Century Novel 1; 1. First Steps: Defoe to Fielding 2; 2. False Starts: Tobias Smollett and Laurence Sterne 15; Chapter Two: The Child in Early Nineteenth-Century Fiction 21; 1. Jane Austen's Children 22; 2. A New Strain: Sir Walter Scott and George Sand 31; 3. Early Children's Fiction 34; Chapter Three: Victorian Childhood and the Novelist's Vision 45; 1. Victorian Childhood 45; 2. Sibling Affections 54; 3. The Forgiving Child 61.
  • Chapter Four: Child Death and the Novelist's Purpose 831. Frail Treasures 85; 2. The Novelist's Purpose 88; 3. "An Interior Confronting" 97; Chapter Five: The Girlhood of the Victorian Heroine 109; 1. Little Housekeepers 110; 2. Intelligent Sisters 120; 3. Budding Women 132; Chapter Six: The Struggle for Manhood in Victorian Fiction 149; 1. Sons and Heirs 150; 2. Youthful Heroics 156; 3. Towards "Brave Self-Reliance" 164; Chapter Seven: Disclosing Children: Seen and Heard in Victorian Fiction 179; 1. Supporting Roles 180; 2. Speaking Parts 187; 3. Actions of the Mind 191; Conclusion 205.
  • Chronology 211Works Cited 213; Index 235; BM 1 245.