  • pt. 1. A-L ; Thomas Amory
  • Penelope Aubin
  • Robert Bage
  • Jane Barker
  • William Beckford
  • Aphra Behn
  • Arthur Blackamore
  • Frances Brooke
  • Henry Brooke
  • John Bunyan
  • Fanny Burney
  • John Cleland
  • Mary Collyer
  • William Congreve
  • Francis Coventry
  • Mary Davys
  • Thomas Day
  • Daniel Defoe
  • Henry Fielding
  • Sarah Fielding
  • Wiliam Godwin
  • Oliver Goldsmith
  • Richard Graves
  • Elizabeth Griffith
  • Eliza Haywood
  • "Sir" John Hill
  • Thomas Holcroft
  • Elizabeth Inchbald
  • Samuel Johnson
  • Charles Johnstone
  • Harriet and Sophia Lee
  • Charlotte Lennox
  • Matthew Gregory Lewis
  • pt. 2. M-Z ; Henry Mackenzie
  • Delariviere Manley
  • Robert Paltock
  • Samuel Jackson Pratt
  • Ann Radcliffe
  • Clara Reeve
  • Samuel Richardson
  • Elizabeth Rowe
  • Sarah Scott
  • John Shebbeare
  • Frances Sheridan
  • Charlotte Smith
  • Tobias Smollett
  • Laurence Sterne
  • Jonathan Swift
  • Horace Walpole
  • Mary Wollstonecraft
  • Appendix: Novelists on the Novel.