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Claudel : a reappraisal /

Основен автор: Griffiths, Richard, 1935-
Формат: Книга
Език: English
Публикувано: Chester Springs, Pa.: Dufour Editions, [1970, ©1968]
  • Introduction: Claudel in all honesty / Richard Griffiths
  • pt. 1. A new view of some of Claudel's works: The enigma of Partage de midi : a study in ambiguity / Bernard Howells ; L'Annonce faite à Marie at Hellerau (October 1913) / Annie Barnes ; Providence's play : Le soulier de satin / Michael Wood ; Jeanne d'Arc au bûcher and its place in the work of Claudel / Moya Laverty ; The Cinq granes odes of Paul Claudel / Edward Lucie-Smith
  • pt. 2. More evidence on Claudel: Claudel and Sophia / Ernest Beaumont ; " ... La prosodie me fut enseignée par les psaumes ..." : some reflections on Claudel's verset / Elfrieda Dubois ; Claudel and Balzac / Gilbert Gadoffre ; Poland in the life and works of Claudel / Witold Leitgeber ; Pour une Réunion Fraco-Polonaise / Paul Claudel ; The albums of Paul Claudel / Jean Mouton
  • pt. 3. Claudel and England: Claudel, Patmore and Alice Meynell : some contacts with English Catholicism / Patrick McCarthy ; Meditation on a text by Claudel / Alexander Mavrocordato.