  • ""Contents""; ""Tables""; ""Acknowledgements""; ""Preface""; ""1. Introduction""; ""2. Phren in the Tragedies: Part One""; ""I: Background""; ""II: Traditional and Contemporary Uses (with Sophoclean Features)""; ""Age""; ""Physical""; """"Predominantly Intellectual""""; """"Predominantly Emotional""""; ""3. Phren in the Tragedies: Part Two""; ""II: Traditional and Contemporary Uses (with Sophoclean Features), Continued""; """"Predominantly Moral""""; ""III: Sophoclean Uses""; ""IV: Sophoclean Images""; ""V: The Relationship of Person to Phren""; ""VI: Overview of Phren""
  • ""4. Nous in the Tragedies""""I: Background""; ""II: Traditional and Contemporary Uses (with Sophoclean Features)""; ""Age""; """"Predominantly Intellectual""""; """"Predominantly Emotional""""; ""III: Sophoclean Uses""; ""IV: Sophoclean Images""; ""V: The Relationship of Person to Nous""; ""VI: Overview of Nous""; ""5. Phren and Nous and their Cognates in the Antigone""; ""I: A Human Dilemma""; ""II: Views of Nous and its Cognates""; ""III: Views of Phren and its Cognates""; ""IV: Overview""; ""6. Thumos, Kardia, and Kear in the Tragedies""; ""Thumos""; ""I: Background""
  • ""II: Traditional and Contemporary Uses (with Sophoclean Features)""""""Predominantly Intellectual""""; """"Predominantly Emotional""""; """"Predominantly Moral""""; ""III: Sophoclean Uses""; ""IV: Sophoclean Images""; ""V: The Relationship of Person to Thumos""; ""VI: Overview of Thumos""; ""Kardia and Kear""; ""I: Background""; ""II: Traditional and Contemporary Uses (with Sophoclean Features)""; ""Kardia""; "" Physical""; """"Predominantly Emotional""""; ""Kear""; """"Predominantly Emotional""""; ""III: Sophoclean Uses: Kardia and Kear""; ""IV: Sophoclean Images: Kardia and Kear""
  • ""V: The Relationship of Person to Kardia and Kear""""VI: Overview of Kardia and Kear""; ""7. Psyche in the Tragedies""; ""I: Background""; ""II: Traditional and Contemporary Uses (with Sophoclean Features)""; ""III: Sophoclean Uses""; """"Predominantly Physical""""; """"Predominantly Intellectual""""; """"Predominantly Emotional""""; """"Predominantly Moral""""; ""IV: Sophoclean Images""; ""V: The Relationship of Person to Psyche""; ""VI: Overview of Psyche""; ""8. Psychic Terms in Each Tragedy""; ""9. Conclusion""; ""I: Overview of the Psychic Entities""; ""II: Observations""
  • ""Appendix One: An Overview of the Psychic Entities""""Appendix Two: Psychic Terms in Each Tragedy""; ""Appendix Three: Adjectives and Participles with Psychic Terms""; ""Appendix Four: Cognate Verbs, Adverbs, Adjectives, and Nouns""; ""Appendix Five: Hepar and Splanchna""; ""Appendix Six: Phren and Nous and their Cognates in the Antigone""; ""Bibliography""; ""Index of Passages Discussed""; ""General Index""; ""A""; ""B""; ""C""; ""D""; ""E""; ""F""; ""G""; ""H""; ""I""; ""J""; ""K""; ""L""; ""M""; ""N""; ""O""; ""P""; ""R""; ""S""; ""T""; ""W""