  • ""Contents""; ""Illustrations and Maps""; ""Preface""; ""I. New Jersey (1744-82)""; ""1 The Early Years""; ""2 ""The Black Cloud Gathering""""; ""3 What is a Tory?""; ""4 ""Disarming the Disaffected"": The Power of Example""; ""5 ""To Terrify the Enemy"": The Seasons of 1778 and 1779""; ""6 ""Lurking in the County, "" 1780""; ""7 New York, 1780-82""; ""8 Capturing the Mails: Spring and Summer, 1781""; ""9 The Philadelphia Expedition: Autumn, 1781""; ""10 Not with a Bang but a Whimper: Spring, 1782""; ""II. England (1782-86)""; ""11 London: Settling the Past""; ""III. Nova Scotia (1786-1809)""
  • ""12 Arriving in Nova Scotia, 1786""""13 Building Ships, 1786-87""; ""14 Putting Down Roots, 1787-89""; ""15 The Prosperous Years, 1789-92""; ""16 The Official Years: The House of Assembly, 1793-99""; ""17 A Second Military Career, 1793-99""; ""18 A Second Session in the House of Assembly, 1800-06""; ""19 The Weymouth Church and the Acadians, 1797-1809""; ""20 Fading Out, 1806-09""; ""IV. Epilogue""; ""21 Family""; ""22 Legend and Legacy""; ""Bibliography""; ""Index""; ""A""; ""B""; ""C""; ""D""; ""E""; ""F""; ""G""; ""H""; ""I""; ""J""; ""K""; ""L""; ""M""; ""N""; ""O""; ""P""; ""Q""; ""R""
  • ""S""""t""; ""u""; ""v""; ""w""; ""y""; ""z""