  • Introduction : viewing the domain of science education / Richard A. Duschl and Richard J. Hamilton
  • Psychology and epistemology : match or mismatch when applied to science education? / Richard A. Duschl, Richard J. Hamilton and Richard E. Grandy
  • Constructing and instructing : the role of "abstraction techniques" in creating and learning physics / Nancy Nersessian
  • Newton, Descartes, and explanatory coherence / Greg Nowak and Paul Thagard
  • Piaget's genetic epistemology : epistemological implications for science education / Richard Kitchener
  • A revisionist theory of conceptual change / Kenneth A. Strike and George J. Posner
  • Contexts of meaning and conceptual integration : how children understand and learn / Jeffrey W. Bloom.
  • Practical reasoning in the production of scientific knowledge / Stephen P. Norris
  • Knowledge and thought : mental models that support scientific reasoning / Richard E. Mayer
  • Anchored instruction in science and mathematics : theoretical basis, developmental projects, and initial research findings / The Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt University.