Корично изображение Електронна книга
  • New autobiographies for old?
  • The art of the impossible
  • Rewriting history, story, self
  • The Second World War as history and story, text and pre-text, order and chaos in Le Miroir qui revient
  • The angel in Robbe-Grillet's Mirror: writing, power, and the feminine angelique ou l'enchantement and les derniers jours de corinthe
  • Voice(s) in Nathalie Sarraute's Enfance and the sex of the text
  • Them and us: between intersubjectivity and intrasubjectivity in Sarraute's Tu ne t'aimes pas
  • Through a textual glass, darkly: the masochistic in the feminine self in Marguerite Duras' Emily l
  • (Re)writing power in Duras' L'amant de la chine du nord.