  • Investigating children's discourse in the primary classroom : the linguistic demands of classroom tasks / Nanette Godfrey and Silvia Skinner
  • Story as vehicle : the making of a kit / Edie Garvie
  • The assessment of bilingual children / Ann Robson
  • Towards equality in the classroom / Farzana Turner and Ola Francombe
  • Towards bilingualism in the primary school : supporting new arrivals as they acquire English : a Scottish perspective / Ann Hindle
  • The Welsh perspective on working with bilingual children in the primary school / William H. Raybould
  • Issues in the language education of bilingual children : summary of the open forum for participants' contributions / Mahendra K. Verma, Karen P. Corrigan and Sally Firth
  • Promoting young ESL children's written language development / Lindy Bates
  • Old sounds and new sounds : bilinguals learning ESL / Mahendra K. Verma and Sally Firth
  • Bilingual children and their assessment through mother tongue / Jean Mills
  • Oracy issues in ESL teaching in key stage 2 : using the language master as a bridge between non-standard and standard English / Mary Rose Peate
  • The bilingual child : learning and teaching in multicultural contexts : summary of the open forum for participants' contributions / Mahendra K. Verma and Sally Firth.