  • Introduction: The Elizabethan Dramatists as Literary Critics
  • Shakespeare's Purge of Jonson: The Theatrical Context of Troilus and Cressida
  • Jonson on Shakespeare: Criticism as Self-Creation
  • Representing Jonson: Histriomastix and the Origin of the Poets' War
  • Shakespeare in Love: The Containment of Comical Satire in As You Like It
  • Marston's Festive Comedy: Punishing Jonson in Jack Drum's Entertainment
  • The War of the Private Theaters: Cynthia's Revels or What You Will
  • Shakespeare at the Fountain of Self-Love: Twelfth Night at the Center of the Poets' War
  • "Impeaching Your Own Quality": Constructions of Poetic Authority in Poetaster and Satiromastix
  • Ben Jonson and the "Little Eyases": Theatrical Politics in Hamlet
  • An Armed Epilogue: Troilus and Cressida and the Impact of the Poets' War.