  • The prologue to the Historia de preliis: a pagan model of spiritual struggle / Michel Zink
  • The raid on Gaza in Alexandre de Paris's romance / Emmanue€le Baumgartner
  • Alexander's Clergie / Douglas Kelly
  • Alexander and Aristotle in the French Alexander Romances / Catherine Gaullier-Bougassas
  • Alexander's Gabs / FrancŒois Suard
  • "Mout est proz e vassaus"/"Mout es corteis": Vasselage and courtesy in the Roman d'Alexandre / Rupert T. Pickens
  • "A paine a on bon arbre de malvaise rai˜s": counsel for kings in the Roman d'Alexandre / William W. Kibler
  • Giving fiefs and honor: largesse, avarice, and the problem of "feudalism" in Alexander's testament / Stephen D. White
  • Take the world by prose: modes of possession in the Roman d'Alexandre / Michelle R. Warren
  • Alexander and Caesar in the Faits des romains / Catherine Croizy-Naquet
  • Alexander the Great as the icon of perfection in the epigones of the Roman d'Alexandre (1250-1450): the Utilitas of the ideal prince / Martin Gosman
  • Ekphrasis and memory in the fourteenth-century Parfait du paon / Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski
  • Conquering Alexander: Perceforest and the Alexandrian tradition / Michelle Szkilnik
  • Alexander amoroso: rethinking Alexander in the Roman de Perceforest / Jane H.M. Taylor
  • From Alexander to Marco Polo, from text to image: the marvels of India / Laurence Harf-Lancner
  • "Codices manuscriptos nudos tenemus": Alexander and the new codicology / Keith Busby.