  • ""FrontMatter""; ""Reviewers""; ""Contents""; ""Executive Summary""; ""1 Introduction""; ""2 Background""; ""3 The Air Force Health Study Database""; ""4 The Air Force Health Study Specimens Repository""; ""5 Value of the AFHS Research Assets""; ""6 Options and Recommendations for Further Study of the AFHS Data Assets""; ""Appendixes""; ""A Agendas of Public Meetings Held by the Committee on the Disposition of the Air Force Health Study""; ""B Air Force Health Study Data""; ""C Epidemiologic Studies of Vietnam Veterans Health""
  • ""D Calculation of Expected Number of Deaths in the U.S. Air Force Ranch Hand Morbidity Study Cohort over the Next 10 Years""""E Comparison of Data Sharing Programs That Use Data Enclaves""; ""F Committee on the Disposition of the Air Force Health Study""