Encyclopedia of public relations /
The Encyclopedia of Public Relations explores the evolution of the PR field, with examples from history describing events, changing practices, and the key figures who developed and expanded the profession. This two-volume set is the first and most authoritative compilation of the subject, and is a m...
Други автори: | Heath, Robert L. 1941- |
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Език: | English |
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Print version::
Encyclopedia of public relations. |
- v. 1. Accommodation: contingency theory
- Account executive
- Account manager/account management
- Activism
- Actuality
- Advance
- Advertising
- Advertising equivalency
- Africa, practice of public relations in
- Age of deference (end of)
- Agenda Online
- Agenda-setting theory
- Ailes, Roger Eugene
- Alumni relations
- Annual community reports
- Annual financial report
- Annual health, safety, and environment (HSE) reports
- Antecedents of modern public relations
- AP style
- Apologia theory
- Asia, practice of public relations in
- Attribution theory
- Australia and New Zealand, practice of public relations in
- Backgrounder
- Baker, Joseph Varney
- Barkelew, Ann H.
- Barnum, P.T.
- Bateman, J. Carroll
- Battle of the currents
- Baxter, Leone, and Whitaker, Clem
- Beat
- Beeman, Alice L.
- Benchmarking
- Berlowe, Phyllis
- Bernays, Edward
- Best practices
- Bill stuffer
- Bio
- Black, Sam
- Block, Ed
- Bogart, Judith S.
- Boulwarism
- Boxed print
- Brand equity and branding
- Bridge
- Brochure
- Burson, Harold
- Business Wire
- Byline
- Byoir, Carl
- Campaign
- Canada, practice of public relations in
- Caption/cutline
- Case study
- Cause-related marketing
- Chaos and complexity theory
- Chase issue management cycles
- Chase, W. Howard
- Chat
- Circulation
- Citizens advisory committees/panels
- Client
- Client/agency relationships
- Clip (news clip) and clipping services
- Coalition building
- Co-creation of meaning theory
- Codes of ethics
- Codes of public relations practice
- Collaborative decision making
- Collateral
- College and university public relations
- Colorado Coal Strike
- Commercial online service
- Commercial speech
- Committee on Public Information
- Commodifying information
- Communication audit and auditing
- Communication management
- Communication technologies
- Communitarianism
- Community and community building
- Community relations
- Composing/composition
- Confederation Europeenne des Relations Publiques (CERP)
- Conflict resolution
- Constructionism theory
- Consumer/customer relations
- Content analysis
- Contingency theory
- Control
- Co-optation
- Co-orientation theory
- Copy
- Copyright
- Corporate image
- Corporate moral conscience
- Corporate social responsibility
- Counseling
- Credits
- Crisis and crisis management
- Crisis communication
- Crisis communications and the Tylenol poisonings
- Critical theory
- Cultivation theory
- Cultural topoi
- Culture
- Cutlip, Sco
- Davis, Elmer, and the Office of War Information
- Deadline
- Decision theory
- Defamation (libel and slander)
- Demographics
- Deontology
- De-positioning
- Dialogue
- Differentiation
- Diffusion of innovations theory
- Digital Age/digitization
- Direct mail
- Discourse theory
- Discussion board
- Doublespeak
- Dramatism and dramatism theory
- Drobis, David
- Druckenmiller, Robert T.
- Dudley, Pend
- EDGAR Online
- Editing
- Editor and publisher
- Editorial
- Ellsworth, James Drummond
- Employee communication
- Encroachment theory
- Endorsement
- Enlightenment and modernity
- Entertainment industry publicity/promotion
- Environmental groups
- Environmental scanning
- Epley, Joe
- Ethics of public relations
- Europe, practice of public relations in
- Event
- Evolution of publicity agencies
- Excellence theory
- Executive management
- Experiment/experimental methods
- External publications
- Exxon and the Valdez crisis
- Fact sheet
- Fantasy theme analysis theory
- FAQs
- Feature
- Federal Communications Commission
- Federal Trade Commission
- Feminization theory
- Flack
- Flame
- Fleischman, Doris Elsa
- Flier
- Focus group
- Follower/member newsletter
- Font
- Formative research
- Four-Minute Men
- Frame
- Framing theory
- Frede, Ralph E.
- Free market system
- Free speech
- Freelance writers
- Functions of public relations
- Fundraising
- Game theory
- Gantt chart
- Gatekeepers
- Ghostwriting
- Goals
- Golin, Al
- Goodwill
- Government relations
- Graphics
- Gregg, Dorothy
- Griswold, Denny
- Gross impressions
- Hammond, George
- Health Belief Model
- Hearing
- Hill, John Wiley
- Hold and Hold for release
- Home page
- Hood, Caroline
- Hoog, Thomas W.
- Hotline
- Howlett, E. Roxie
- Human interest
- Hunter, Barbara W.
- Hype
- Hyperlink
- Identification
- Image
- Image restoration theory
- Impression management theory
- Impressions
- Industrial barons (of the 1870s-1920s)
- Infomercial
- Information integration theory
- Information retrieval system
- Information society
- Institute of Public Relations (IPR)
- Insull, Samuel
- Integrated marketing communication
- Intercultural communication theory
- Internal communication
- International Association of Business Communicators (IABC)
- International Public Relations Association
- Internship
- Interpersonal communication theory
- Interview as a communication tool
- Interview as research tool
- Investigative journalism
- Investor relations
- Involvement
- Issue Management Council
- Issues management
- Jaffe, Lee K.
- Kaiser, Inez Y.
- Kassewitz, Ruth B.
- Kendrix, Moss
- Labor union public relations
- Laurie, Marilyn
- Layout
- Learning theory
- Lee, Ivy
- Legitimacy and legitimacy gap
- Lesly, Phillip
- Lobbying
- Lobsenz, Amelia
- Localize
- Logo
- Lucky Strike Green Campaign.
- v. 2. Management theory
- Managing the corporate public relations department
- Market share
- Marketing
- Marketplace of ideas
- Material information
- Matrixing/matrix management
- Mean and median
- Measuring/measures
- Media calls
- Media conferences
- Media effects
- Media mix strategies
- Media networks
- Media relations
- Media release
- Mentoring
- Minorities in public relations
- Mission and vision statements
- Modernity and postmodernity
- Moral development
- Moral philosophy
- Motivation theory
- Muckrakers (and the Age of Progressivism)
- Multimedia
- Mutually beneficial relationships
- Narrative theory
- Narrowcasting/broadcasting
- National Black Public Relations Society (NBPRS)
- National Investor Relations Institute
- Network theory
- New business development
- News and newsworthy
- News services
- News story
- Newsletter
- Newsom, Earl
- Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
- Nonprofit organizations
- Objectives
- Oeckl, Albert
- Online public relations
- Op-ed
- Openness
- Opportunity and threat
- Organizational identity and persona
- Page, Arthur W.
- Pamphlet
- Parent/student newsletter
- Parke, Isobel
- Parker, George
- Paster, Howard G.
- Penney, Pat
- Perjury
- Perspectivism theory
- Persuasion theory
- PERT Chart
- Philanthropy
- Photo-op
- Pitch letter
- Plank, Betsy
- Political action committees (PACs)
- Political speech
- Portfolio
- Position and positioning
- Postcolonialism theory and public relations
- Power resource management theory
- PR Newswire
- PR Watch
- Practice
- Presidential press secretaries
- Press agentry
- Press kit
- Privatizing public opinion (and "publictizing" private opinion)
- Proactivity and reactivity
- Process research
- Professional and professionalism
- ProfNet
- Program/action plans
- Promotion
- Propaganda
- Psychographics
- Psychological processing
- Public affairs
- Public Affairs Council
- Public health campaign
- Public interest
- Public opinion and opinion leaders
- Public policy planning
- Public relations
- Public relations agency
- Public relations department
- Public relations education, history of
- Public Relations Field Dynamics (PRFD)
- Public relations research
- Public Relations Society of America
- Public Relations Student Society of America
- Public sector
- Public service announcements (PSAs)
- Public sphere (Offentlichkeit)
- Public sphere discourse
- Publicist
- Publicity
- Publicly held companies
- Publics
- Puffery
- Pyramid style
- Qualitative research
- Quantitative research
- Race and crisis communication
- Railroad industry in the 19th century
- Reach
- Regulated monopolies
- Reinforcement theory
- Relationship management theory
- Reliability
- Reputation management
- Research goals
- Research objectives
- Return on investment
- Rhetorical theory
- Risk communication
- Roberts, Rosalee A.
- Ross, Thomas J. "Tommy"
- Rules theory
- Sampling
- Sandbagging
- Scales
- Schoonover, Jean
- Search engine
- Securities and Exchange Commission
- Segmentation
- Semiotics theory
- Situation analysis
- Situation ethics
- Situational theory of publics
- Smith, Rea
- Social construction of reality theory
- Social exchange theory
- Social movement theory
- Society
- Sonnenberg, Ben
- Sound bite
- South Africa, practice of public relations in
- Speakers bureaus
- Speechwriting
- Spin
- Spiral of silence theory
- Sports promotion
- Stakeholder theory
- Stakes
- Statistical analysis
- Stewardship of large organizations
- Straight news
- Strain
- Strategic business planning
- Strategic partnerships
- Strategies
- Stylebook
- Subjective expected utilities theory
- Survey
- Sweden, practice of public relations in
- Symbolic interactionism theory
- Symmetry
- Systems theory
- Tactics
- Tag
- Target
- Theory of reasoned action
- Theory-based practice
- Third-party endorsement
- Trade associations (and Hill & Knowlton's role in)
- Transtheoretical model of behavior change
- Travel and tourism public relations
- Traverse-Healy, Tim
- Trust
- Two-step flow theory
- Two-way and one-way communication
- Uncertainty reduction theory
- United Kingdom, practice of public relations in
- United States government and public relations
- Uses and gratifications theory
- Utilitarianism
- Vail, Theodore Newton
- Validity
- Voter and constituent relations
- Warfare and public relations
- Web site
- Wire service
- Women in public relations
- Writing
- Zones of meaning.
- v. 1. A-L
- v. 2. M-Z.