  • ""Contents""; ""Illustrations and Maps""; ""Preface""; ""1 The Young Adventurer, 1744â€?66""; ""2 The Fur Trader, 1766â€?75""; ""3 Becoming a Montrealer, 1775â€?78""; ""4 Montreal Merchant, 1778â€?1805""; ""5 The New Neighbour, 1778â€?93""; ""6 Magistrate and Citizen, 1778â€?1811""; ""7 Serving the Province, 1778â€?92""; ""8 The New Parliament, 1792â€?1808""; ""9 The Honourable James McGill, 1775â€?1811""; ""10 In Defence of His City, 1787â€?1813""; ""Epilogue: For the Advancement of Learning""; ""Appendix: Governors and Administrators of the Province of Quebec, 1760â€?1815""; ""Notes""