  • ""CONTENTS""; ""ACKNOWLEDGMENTS""; ""CONTRIBUTORS""; ""Introduction: Changing Health Care in Canada""; ""Part One: System Change, Organization Change""; ""1 Complicated and Complex Systems: What Would Successful Reform of Medicare Look Like?""; ""2 Financial Rules As a Catalyst for Change in the Canadian Health Care System""; ""3 Governance and Management of Change in Canada's Health System""; ""Part Two: Change and Providers""; ""4 Planning for Care: Approaches to Human Resources Policy and Planning in Health Care""
  • ""5 How Do Human Resource Policies and Practices Inhibit Change in Health Care? A Plan for the Future""""6 Changes and a Few Paradoxes: Some Thoughts on Health System Personnel""; ""7 The Influence of Physician-Payment Methods on the Efficiency of the Health Care System""; ""Part Three: Change and the Public""; ""8 Public Involvement in the Development of a Health Care Vision""; ""9 Public Participation and Citizen Governance in the Canadian Health System""; ""10 Practical Strategies for Facilitating Meaningful Citizen Involvement in Health Planning""