Корично изображение Електронна книга
  • Introduction : coming to terms with America's liberal hegemony/empire / David Grondin
  • Theory wars of choice : hidden casualties in the 'debate' between hegemony and empire / Robert Vitalis
  • Geopolitics, grand strategy and the Bush doctrine : the strategic dimensions of US hegemony under George W. Bush / Simon Dalby
  • Representing homeland security / Aida A. Hozic
  • Revolution or 'business as usual'? International law and the foreign policy of the Bush administration / Shirley V. Scott
  • Dealing with hegemony at home : from congressional compliance to resistance to George W. Bush's national security policy / Frederick Gagnon
  • In search of a policy towards Islamism : The United States at war against global terror / Onnig Beylerian
  • The clash between Europe and the United States : a new cold war? / Julien Tourreille and Elisabeth Vallet
  • The limits to American hegemony in Asia / Andre Laliberte
  • The role of the United States in Western Africa : tying terrorism to electoral democracy and strategic resources / Cedric Jourde
  • Contribution or constraint? The role of the North American periphery in redefining US power / Stephen Clarkson
  • Conclusion : revisiting US hegemony/empire / Charles-Philippe David.