  • ""Contents""; ""Abbreviations""; ""Preface""; ""The Persistence of Trajectories of Penitential Prayer in Rabbinic Judaism""; """"We Do Not Even Know What To Do!"": A Foray into the Early History of Tahanun""; ""The Penitential Part of the Amidah and Personal Redemption""; ""The Amidah Benediction on Forgiveness: Links between Its Theology and Its Textual Evolution""; ""Confessing from A to Z: Penitential Forms in Early Synagogue Poetry""; ""Penitential Practices in a Kabbalistic Mode""; ""The Impact of the Penitential Prayer Tradition on New Testament Theology""
  • ""The Emergence of Penitential Prayer in Early Christianity""""Repentance and Prayer in the Didache""; ""The East Syrian Rite of Penance""; ""Prayer and Penance in Early and Middle Byzantine Christianity: Some Trajectories from the Greek- and Syriac-Speaking Realms""; ""Afterword""; ""Bibliography""; ""Contributors""; ""Ancient Sources Index""; ""Modern Authors Index""; ""Subject Index""