  • Front Matter; Title page; Half Title; Copyright; Table of Contents; Acknowledgments; Lithuania: An Overview; List of Tables and Figures; Main Matter; CHAPTER 1 Introduction; Coining EUropeanization; Fieldwork and Field Sites; Early Influences from the EU; "The Man of the Future" and Homo Sovieticus; The Changing Image of the Lithuanian Farmer; Harmonization and Inconsistencies; Legal Pluralities in Everyday Life; Practical Negotiations; Social Security and Change; Who Participates in EUrope?; Aspects of Analysis; CHAPTER 2 Small-Scale Farmers at the Geopolitical Return to Europe, 1990-2004.
  • Collective Farming in LithuaniaIndependence and National Policy; Laws on Privatization; Theft and Administrative (Ab)Use of Property; Surviving the Transition; Reforms and Political Stands; Preparing for Enlargement; Key Problems for the Agricultural Sector; The Maxima Referendum; The Way to EUrope; CHAPTER 3 Paradoxes of Aging: On Aging Farmers and Aging Politicians; Paradoxes of Aging; Meeting in Graiziunai; City Expert Meets Rural Citizens; Contracts and Circumvention of Trust; Meeting in Marijampole; Situational Alliances and Interface Encounters; Multiple Faces on the Encounter.
  • Politics and PopulismThe Valstieciu Sajunga
  • History and Conceptualization; Political Front Figures; Working Off -State to Achieve Goals On-State; Romanticized Images of Peasant Life; Bridging between the Pre-Soviet Past and the EU-Present; Entering New Dilemmas On-State; The Local EUs; CHAPTER 4 Effects of and Responses to the EU Programs in the Countryside; The Armchair Farmers; The Return to the Mini-Mansholt; Attempts and Direct Effects; The Lonely Cows; "It is of no use for us"; The Early Retirement Program; The Family Jankauskas; The Family Petrauskas; Two Perspectives.
  • Supporting Subsistence Farming?CHAPTER 5 The Insiders and the Outsiders: EUropeanization of Products and People in the Marketplace; Setting Standards
  • Making Persons; Trading in Marijampole; Trading Inside; Trading Outside; Changing Spaces
  • Challenging Laws; The Eight-Legged Pig; Senses of Personhood; Geopolitics of Food and Fashion; Cheese Production and Conflicting Perceptions; Conformed Diversification; Concluding Remarks; CHAPTER 6 "If you wish your son bad luck, give him your land": EUropeanization, Demographic Change and Social Security; Aging Lithuania.
  • Gender Roles and Gendered AgingEUropeanization and Shifting Pension Arrangements; The State Pension; European Engagement; The Urban Migrant; The EU Migrants; The Villager; EUropeanization, Individualism and Parental Expectations; Kinship Obligations and Emigration; CHAPTER 7 "They told us we would be getting up on the high mountain": Concluding Remarks; Going West?; Coexisting Processes of Disintegration and Integration; Reconceptualization of History; The Locally Produced EUs; How Do We Understand Processes of EUropeanization?; Final Remarks; Back Matter; Bibliography; Index.