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Early modern Beckett ; Beckett between

Други автори: Moorjani, Angela B.
Формат: Електронен
Език: English
Публикувано: Amsterdam ; New York : Rodopi, 2012.
Серия: Samuel Beckett today/aujourd'hui ; 24.
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  • In dialogue with dramatists and writers = En dialogue avec des auteurs dramatiques et des ecrivains : Le Molie€re de Beckett / Carla Taban
  • Beckett's Racinian fictions : "Racine and the modern novel" revisited / Angela Moorjani
  • Fascination de la tragedie Racinienne : resonances dans Oh les beaux jours / Danie€le de Ruyter
  • "Worst in need of worse" : King Lear, Worstward ho and the trajectory of worsening / Arka Chattopadhyay
  • Allegories of clarity and obscurity : Bunyan's The Pilgrim's progress and Beckett's Molloy / Julie Campbell
  • Edmund Spenser, famine memory and the discontents of humanism in Endgame / Sean Kennedy
  • A rhetoric of discontinuity: on stylistic parallels between Pascal's Pensees and Samuel Beckett's L'Innommable / Melanie Foehn.
  • In Dialogue with philosophers and artists = En dialogue avec des philosophes et des artistes : Cartesian mechanics in Beckett's Fin de Partie / Yoshiyuki Inoue
  • En compagnie d'une metaphysique parodique : Beckett lecteur de Descartes redux / Layla M. Roesler
  • Beckett and Geulincx's Ethics: " ... my Geulincx could only be a literary fantasia" Everett C. Frost
  • Beckett's faint cries : Leibniz's petites perceptions in First love and Malone dies / Naoya Mori
  • Presence de la sculpture funeraire des debuts de l'epoque moderne dans l'oeuvre narrative de Samuel Beckett : du motif artistique religieux a€ sa lai˜cisation scripturale / Claire Lozier
  • Light and darkness in Elsheimer, Caravaggio, Rembrandt and Beckett / Joanne Shaw.
  • Beckett Between = Beckett entre deux : Light, landscape and Beckett / Dunlaith Bird
  • Beckett between the words : punctuation and the body in the English prose / James Williams
  • The Non-Lieu of hunger : Post-war Beckett and the genealogies of starvation / Alys Moody
  • The extended mind and multiple drafts : Beckett's models of the mind and the postcognitivist paradigm / Dirk Van Hulle
  • Beckett and Geulincx's metaphysics: "Without knowing why exactly" / Everett C. Frost
  • "L'au-dela€ du dehors-dedans" : paradox, space and movement in Beckett / John Wall
  • "Ill-told ill-heard" : aurality and reading in Comment c'est/How It Is / Lea Sinoimeri
  • Tensions of the in-between: rhythm, tonelessness and lyricism in Fin de partie/Endgame / Karine Germoni and Pascale Sardin
  • Beckett, bilingualism and the Bible / Iain Baily
  • The proxemics of "Neither" / Garin Dowd.