On moral medicine theological perspectives in medical ethics.
Други автори: | Lysaught, M. Therese. |
Формат: | Електронен |
Език: | English |
Публикувано: |
Grand Rapids, Mich. :
W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.,
Издание: | 3rd ed. / |
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http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&scope=site&db=nlebk&AN=579971 |
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Print version::
On moral medicine. |
- The secularization of American medicine /
- Roy Branson
- A new synthesis : alternative medicine's challenge to mainstream medicine and traditional Christianity /
- Sidney Callahan
- Illness, the problem of evil, and the analogical structure of healing : on the difference Christianity makes in bioethics /
- George Khushf
- Money and the medical profession /
- William F. May
- Conceptualizing religion : how language shapes and constrains knowledge in the study of religion and health /
- Daniel E. Hall, Harold G. Koenig, and Keith G. Meador
- Salvation and health : why medicine needs the church /
- Stanley Hauerwas
- Theology confronts technology and the life sciences /
- James M. Gustafson
- Theologians and bioethics : some history and a proposal /
- Lisa Sowle Cahill
- European-American ethos and principlism : an African-American challenge /
- Cheryl J. Sanders
- Bioethics in a liberationist key /
- Marcio Fabri dos Anjos
- Bioethics and religion : some unscientific footnotes /
- Stephen E. Lammers
- The Bible and bioethics : some problems and a proposal /
- Allen Verhey
- General introduction and part one of Ethical and religious directives for Catholic health care services, fourth edition /
- U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
- The corporate physician's oath /
- David Schiedermayer
- Sick of being poor /
- Teresa Maldonado
- The Bible and Christian convictions /
- Willard M. Swartley
- The Christian and Anabaptist legacy in healthcare /
- John D. Roth
- Catholic social teaching and the allocation of healthcare /
- The Catholic Bishops' Joint Bioethics Committee
- Health, healing, and social justice : insights from liberation theology /
- Paul Farmer
- A body without borders /
- Joel Shuman and Brian Volck
- Listening to women of color with breast cancer : theological and ethical insights for U.S. healthcare and keeping it real while staying out of the loony bin : social ethics for healthcare systems /
- Aana Vigen
- Starting a free clinic in a rural area : people in a small Kentucky town pool their talents to solve the access problem /
- William R. Grimes
- Parish nursing : a new specialty /
- Abigail Rian Evans
- Austin Heights and AIDS /
- Kyle Childress
- Reform and rationing : reflections on health care in light of Catholic social teaching /
- B. Andrew Lustig
- A summary of Catholic principles for health-care justice /
- Philip S. Keane
- Honor the physician /
- Sirach 38:1-15
- The Hippocratic oath /
- The Hippocratic oath insofar as a Christian may swear it /
- The doctor's oath and a Christian swearing it /
- Allen Verhey
- The physician's covenant /
- William F. May
- The nurse's profession /
- Florence Nightingale
- A Christian vision of nursing and persons /
- Mary Molewyk Doornbos [and others]
- Hospital chaplaincy as agapeic intervention /
- Joseph J. Kotva Jr.
- Spiritual morphine : the delusory hope of dying on your own terms /
- Kristina Robb Dover
- The Christian pastor's role in medical ethics : in the pew and at the bedside /
- Joseph J. Kotva Jr.
- Strangers or friends? A proposal for a new spirituality-in-medicine ethic /
- Farr A. Curlin and Daniel E. Hall
- Daniel /
- Margaret E. Mohrmann
- AIDS and the professions of healing : a brief inquiry /
- Stephen E. Lammers
- Exousia : healing with authority in the Christian tradition /
- Daniel P. Sulmasy
- Empowerment in the clinical setting /
- Karen Lebacqz
- The will to be healthy /
- Karl Barth
- Thorn-in-the-flesh decision making : a Christian overview of the ethics of treatment /
- Richard J. Mouw
- Luke 10:25-37
- Four indicators of humanhood : the enquiry matures /
- Joseph F. Fletcher
- Preface to The patient as person /
- Paul Ramsey
- Reflections on the moral status of the pre-embryo /
- Thomas A. Shannon and Allan B. Wolter
- Three views on the preimplantation embryo /
- Michael R. Panicola
- Again, who is a person? /
- Oliver O'Donovan
- Who is my neighbor? The good Samaritan as a source for theological anthropology /
- Ian A. McFarland
- Must a patient be a person to be a patient? Or, my uncle Charlie is not much of a person but he is still my uncle Charlie /
- Stanley Hauerwas
- Terra es animata : on having a life /
- Gilbert Meilaender
- Who/se we are : baptism as personhood /
- Keith G. Meador and Joel James Shuman
- Genesis 2:7; John 1:1-4, 14; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
- Ode on a plastic stapes /
- Chad Walsh
- Bioethics, the body, and the legacy of bacon /
- Gerald P. Mckenny
- Embodiment and moral critique : a Christian social perspective /
- Lisa Sowle Cahill
- Health is membership /
- Wendell Berry
- Organ transplants : death, dis-organ-ization, and the need for religious ritual /
- Allen D. Verhey
- Harvesting the living? Separating brain death and organ transplantation /
- Courtney S. Campbell
- Surgical Ward /
- W.H. Auden
- School of suffering /
- Bradley Hanson
- AIDS and the Church /
- Earl E. Shelp and Ronald H. Sunderland
- Stories and suffering /
- Margaret E. Mohrmann
- Patient suffering and the anointing of the sick /
- M. Therese Lysaught
- Practicing patience : how Christians should be sick /
- Stanley Hauerwas and Charles Pinches
- Darkness /
- Kathryn Greene-McCreight
- Psychology as faith /
- Robert Coles
- Between the priestly doctor and the myth of mental illness /
- Ian S. Evison
- Crazy in the streets /
- Paul S. Appelbaum
- Afflicting the afflicted : total institutions /
- William F. May
- Community and friendship : the church as liberating community /
- John Swinton
- The urgency dilemma : is life extension research a temptation or a test? /
- Aubrey D.N.J. de Grey
- Age-based rationing of life-sustaining health care /
- John F. Kilner
- Why do we want to be healthy? Medicine, autonomous individualism, and the community of faith /
- Dennis Sansom
- The language of death : theology and economics in conflict /
- D. Stephen Long
- Ruth's resolve : what Jesus' great-grandmother may teach about bioethics and care /
- Amy Laura Hall.
- Memory and canonicity /
- David Keck
- Encountering the disabled god /
- Nancy L. Eiesland
- Human dignity in the absence of agency /
- Hans S. Reinders
- Unremitting compassion : the moral psychology of parenting children with genetic disorders /
- Richard B. Steele
- Love without boundaries : theological reflections on parenting a child with disabilities /
- Thomas E. Reynolds
- Welcoming the unexpected guests to the banquet /
- Brett Webb-Mitchell
- The body of Christ has Downs Syndrome : theological reflections on vulnerability, disability, and the graceful communities /
- John Swinton
- Vivisection /
- C.S. Lewis
- Philosophical reflections on experimenting with human subjects /
- Hans Jonas
- Globalizing human subjects research /
- Adriana Petryna
- The use of Zairian children in HIV vaccine experimentation : a cross-cultural study in medical ethics /
- Thomas A. Nairn
- A plea for beneficence : reframing the embryo debate /
- Ted Peters and Gaymon Bennett
- A theologians brief /
- David Jones [and others]
- The ethics of human stem cell research /
- Gene Outka
- Stem cells and social ethics : some Catholic contributions /
- Lisa Sowle Cahill
- Price to pay /
- Amy Laura Hall
- Cloning the human body /
- Stanley Hauerwas and Joel Shuman
- What would you do if ...? Human embryonic stem cell research and the defense of the innocent /
- M. Therese Lysaught
- Genesis 1:26-27; Psalm 8; Matthew 6:25-32
- Respect for life /
- Karl Barth
- Alien dignity : the legacy of Helmut Thielicke for bioethics /
- Karen Lebacqz
- Toward freedom from value /
- Richard Stith
- Suffering, the body, and Christianity : the early Christians lived the theological basis of Catholic health care /
- James F. Keenan
- Bioethics and the church : technology, martyrdom, and the moral significance of the ordinary /
- Chris K. Huebner
- Mark 10:13-16
- What are children for? /
- Joel James Schuman and Brian Volck
- Introduction to a memoir of Mary Ann : by the Dominican nuns who took care of her /
- Flannery O'Connor
- Being Mickey's doctor /
- Margaret E. Mohrmann
- Pastoral concerns : parental anxiety and other issues of character /
- Joseph J. Kotva Jr.
- Medicine and the birth of defective children : approaches of the ancient world /
- Darrel W. Amundsen
- The death of infant Doe : Jesus and the neonates /
- Allen Verhey
- Biblical faith and the loss of children /
- Bruce C. Birch
- Parents and children /
- Karl Barth
- Human life and human love /
- James T. Burtchaell
- Beyond the liberal/conservative divide on contraception : the wisdom of practitioners of natural family planning and artificial birth control /
- Julie Hanlon Rubio
- Procreation, the development of peoples, and the final destiny of humanity /
- David M. McCarthy
- The pill is like, DDT? An agrarian perspective on pharmaceutical birth control /
- Elizabeth Bahnson
- Whose bodies? Which selves? Appeals to embodiment in assessments of reproductive technology /
- Paul Lauritzen
- The ethical challenge of the new reproductive technology /
- Sidney Callahan
- Faith and infertility /
- Maura A. Ryan
- A.R.T., ethics, and the Bible /
- Allen Verhey
- Theology and the morality of procreative choice /
- Beverly Wildung Harrison
- The Catholic legacy and abortion : A debate /
- Daniel C. Maguire and James T. Burtchaell
- Ahead to our past : abortion and Christian texts /
- Michael J. Gorman
- Women of color and reproductive choice : combating the population paradigm /
- Andy Smith
- Abortion and the sexual agenda : a case for pro-life feminism /
- Sidney Callahan
- Abortion, theologically understood /
- Stanley Hauerwas
- The question of abortion : Christian virtue and government legislation /
- Joseph J. Kotva Jr.
- Mother and father /
- David L. Schiedermayer
- Ethical standards for genetic intervention /
- James C. Peterson
- Justice and genetics : whose Holy Grail? /
- Maura Ryan
- Moral and religious implications of genetic control /
- Paul Ramsey
- To form a more perfect union : mainline Protestantism and the popularization of eugenics /
- Amy Laura Hall
- The Human Genome Project as soteriological project /
- Robert Song
- That deep surface : the Human Genome Project and the death of the human /
- Bronislaw Szerszynski
- Desperately seeking perfection : Christian discipleship and medical genetics /
- Joel Shuman
- Playing God and invoking a perspective /
- Allen Verhey
- Psalm 88; Psalm 22; Romans 8:18-39; 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 36-57
- Lament for a son /
- Nicolas Wolterstorff
- The sacral power of death in contemporary experience /
- William F. May
- The indignity of death with dignity /
- Paul Ramsey
- Keeping body and soul together /
- Oliver O'Donovan
- Dying well in historical perspective : the Ars Moriendi tradition of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries /
- Christopher P. Vogt
- Learning how to die well : lessons from the ancient church /
- Vigen Guroian
- Physician-assisted suicide : flight from compassion /
- Richard A. McCormick
- The case for physician-assisted suicide? /
- James F. Keenan
- Reflection /
- Karen Lebacqz
- A dignified dying /
- Hans Kung
- Rational suicide and reasons for living /
- Stanley Hauerwas
- Whose life is it anyway? Ours, thats whose! /
- Gloria Maxson
- The case of Baby Rena /
- Vigen Guroian
- Catholic spirituality and medical interventions in dying /
- James F. Bresnahan
- The Catholic tradition on forgoing life support /
- Kevin D. O'Rourke
- Having enough faith not to be healed /
- John D. Brunt
- House calls on Cardinal Jackson /
- David Schiedermayer
- God will find a way /
- Margaret E. Mohrmann
- Who decides? /
- Gilbert Meilaender
- What shall we do with Norman? An experiment in communal discernment /
- Curtis W. Freeman
- Love your enemies : toward a Christoform bioethic /
- M. Therese Lysaught.