Резюме: |
Николов, Валентин Николов и др. Приложение на контролери с неврологична структура при проектирането на биоморфни роботи / Валентин Николов, Васил Балавесов. (Роботика). // Том 54, 2004, № 2. Автоматика и информатика : Юбилейна научна сесия 30 години факултет “Автоматика“ ТУ–София, 28-29 октомври 2004 г. София, с. 97-104 : със сх., ил.
Рез. на бълг. и англ. ез.; С библиогр.; In this paper, an approach to control of mobile robots is proposed, and its realization is demonstrated on a particular walking robot. The principles for the control de-velopments are borrowed from the living nature. The utilization of such principles that are due to a million years of evolution gives the designers opportunities for creating of simple behavioral models that allow survival and adaptotion of mobile] robots in an unstructure and poorly known environment. Typically, such an approach leads to a blend of biological-ly based algorithms for the control of a mechanical body, and the related machines are called biomorphic robots. The neural structure of the controller presents an opportunity for continuous non-linear control that is capable of solving numerous real-time problems con-cerning survival and adaptation. The particular research relates to the modern field of what is known as BEAM robotics.