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Категорията "свещено" във философията на религията след Имануел Кант: Рудолф Ото Автореферат

The PhD Thesis is dedicated to the Rudolf Ottos philosophy of religion - theologist and philosopher . In his project about "science of religion" he combines two main factors - the philosophical foundation of his research with phenomenological analysis of religious experience. The object of...

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Основен автор: Бачев, Мирослав Йорданов
Други автори: Bacev, Miroslav Jordanov, Теохаров, Владимир Димитров 1961-2023 (научен ръководител), Кант, Имануел 1724-1804 (за него), Фриз, Якоб Фридрих (за него), Ото, Рудолф (за него)
Формат: Книга
Език: Bulgarian
Публикувано: София 2015
Онлайн достъп: Пълен запис
Резюме: The PhD Thesis is dedicated to the Rudolf Ottos philosophy of religion - theologist and philosopher . In his project about "science of religion" he combines two main factors - the philosophical foundation of his research with phenomenological analysis of religious experience. The object of PhD Thesis is the category of "holy" ("sacred") in the work of Rudolf Otto. The main purpose of the study is: based on the analysis of key concepts of "Das Heilige", to establish which elements of the Immanuel Kants philosophy Rudolf Otto borrowed and how they are attached to his philosophy of the Holy and to His comparative research on religions. In the First chapter is analyzed the historical context of the emergence of the fundamental work by Otto "Das Helige", and the conceptual sources of his work. The comparative analysis between the basic concepts of Immanuel Kants critical philosophy and Ottos philosophy of the Holy is presented in the Second chapter. The Holy is defined as a pure category a priori, which is in relation to the a posteriori forms of religion, i.e. to its specific historical incarnations. The Holy "awakens" with the emergence of religious experience, but its not coming from this experience. In the Third chapter are presented comparative studies of religion R. Otto, which are additional "empirical" argument for the actions of religious a priori in history.
Физически характеристики: 31 с. 21 см