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The PhD dissertation aims to carry out an overall read through of the cultural, historical, social and political phenomena in the period of the Early Czech Revival (from the 18th century 70's to the 19th century 30's). The very phenomena are viewed in their interrelation and sequence. The dissertation targets problems which are comparatively poorly examined within the Bulgarian environment presenting them in detail, but also with critical attitude. That is why the work analyses not only canon authors and texts but also such that do not usually fall within the research field. At the same time, the analysis is in line with the key theoretical developments of the issues of identity, otherness, patriotism, pre-nationalism and nationalism. Both art and publicistic texts have been interpreted. A considerable attention is focused on the way in which the specific environment affects the development of the ideas. With reference of the dynamics of the processes, the intrinsic inconsistency of the period is followed as well as the frequently illogical behavior of various generations of Baroque and Revival myhtographers. The imagination that is characteristic for the Revival as well as the pragmatism and the down-to-the-ground revival ambitions have been worked out. The dissertation arrives at the conclusion that ultimately the ambitions and the aim of the Czech Revival are focused and summarized by the theme of the history and the language - exactly through them the tone and the convictions of the Revival patriots escalate to such an extent that their declarativity and ultimatumness seems out of place both with regard to the real capabilities of the Checks and the particular circumstances.