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Принос към проучването на биоразнообразието на хидро- и аеробионтни прокариотни и еукариотни водорасли в България : Автореферат /

The present work is aimed mainly to summarize data from 20years field and laboratory studies on the biodiversity of hydro- and aerobiontic algae from different habitat types in the country in order to achieve full inventarization of the algal flora of Bulgaria. The analysis of the collected data on...

Пълно описание

Основен автор: Стойнева, Майя Петрова 1962-
Други автори: Stojneva, Majja Petrova 1962-
Формат: Книга
Език: Bulgarian
Публикувано: София, 2014.
Онлайн достъп: Пълен текст
Резюме: The present work is aimed mainly to summarize data from 20years field and laboratory studies on the biodiversity of hydro- and aerobiontic algae from different habitat types in the country in order to achieve full inventarization of the algal flora of Bulgaria. The analysis of the collected data on the occurrence, development and distribution of the species in temporal and spatial aspect allows the evaluation of the potential invasive species, outlining of conservationally important species and picturing of the trends of development of the biodiversity of Bulgaria.In addition, taking in mind the more broad usage of the requirements of EC Water Framework Directive in the bioconservation and monitoring practices for evaluation of the ecological status/potential of the water bodies, the work shows the possibilities to explore algal species composition in such assessments. In total 238 main sites were studied, from which 4065 samples were collected. Annotated are 1605 taxa from 471 genera and 8 divisions of the ecological groups hydrophyton (incl. limnophytoplankton, metaphyton, limno- and halophytobentos), thermo-, aero-, speleo and, edaphophyton, and symbiotic algae. 37 taxa were pointed for new substrates and for new habitat types: 7 for the thermophyton, 6 for the endolithophton and 3 - for the spekleophyton. New, unpublished localiites are given for 783 taxa, for 358 taxa loclaities are confirmed and 1442 taxa are included with their published by the author loclaities. New for the science are one speies and one form of green algae. New for Bulgaria are one class, one order, 84 genera and 501 infregeneric taxa. With their announcement, the contribution of the present work comprises 13% of the genera and 10% of the taxa in Bulgarian algal flora.
Физически характеристики: 148 с. : с цв. ил. ; 21 см.
Библиография: Библиогр. с. 101-108