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The dissertation suggests an attempt for an analysis of the war in the Stefan Runevskis, Dobri Nemirovs and Yordan Yovkovs military short stories. Its objects of scientific research are the images, the transformations and the uses of the war. The basic thesis is that the war is very complicated phenomenon which proves to be contradictory. The aim of the dissertation is studying of main problematic and motive centres which compose these stories. They are divided into some main semantic entities - the characters (in their coexistence) in the war conditions of life, the individual fate and the moral reflection in the rear. Chapter 1 is more theory oriented where are treated some of the key ideas about war by authors like Karl von Clausewitz, Nikolay Berdyaev, Imanuel Kant, Erich Fromm, bishop Nikolay Velimirovic. The human destiny is interpreted in the context of existential dimensions of the combat experience. The strategies for sojourn and survival in the destructive war-time realities are also studied. The state of mind of the main characters is analyzed through the semantic orders duty-exploit-selflessness and love-grief-thought (chapters 2, 3 and 4). In chapter 5 are investigated some very important characters - the eccentric, the creator and the woman.