Корично изображение Книга

Изследвания върху биологията и екологията на късокракия гущер в България : Автореферат /

Рез. на англ. ез.

Основен автор: Вергилов, Владислав Станиславов
Други автори: Делов, Венцеслав Георгиев (науч. ръководител), Vergilov, Vladislav Stanislavov
Формат: Книга
Език: Bulgarian
Публикувано: София, 2016.
Онлайн достъп: Пълен запис
Резюме: Рез. на англ. ез.
All data concerning the distribution of the species were collected, including published and new localities. A distribution model of the skink in Bulgaria was made. The lizard inhabits the ecotone zone between oak forests and meadows. The diet of A. kitaibelii and the mechanisms that allow the skink to overpower relatively large prey were studied. A. kitaibelii uses a series of shaking movements to immobilise and kill prey. Occipito-atlanto-axial joint of A. kitaibelii represents a functional adaptation for additional stabilisation during prey shaking. The hemipenes of two cogeners A. kitaibelii and A. budaki are described for first time. An innovative technique for eversion of small and fragile lizards’ hemipenes was proposed. The lines of arrested growth from femora showed that in both sexes the largest specimens were 4 years old. The gonads of captured specimens were removed and histological sections were made. The females can lay eggs only once a year and that the spermatozoa are formed all over the year in males. Four meristic and nine metric traits were studied and the metric ones were converted into indices. Five climatic and geographic factors were taken into account. The meristic and metric traits were tested for correlation against the environmental factors. The strongest relation was found in regard to the geographic longitude and climate zones. For the population studies a new coding system with heat branding was developed. A total 415 specimens were marked.
Описание на библ. документ: Кор. опис.
Физически характеристики: 42 с. : с ил., табл., диагр. ; 21 см.