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Хетерономия и безкрайност във философията на Емануел Левинас : Автореферат /

Considering the problem of ethical language, the dissertation lays a demarcation line between the logos and the conversation with the other, which is disclosed in the imperative and the response, i.e. through the being-for-the-other. Thus the relationship between the "I" and the other does...

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Основен автор: Дросев, Дарин Димов 1975-
Други автори: Drosev, Darin Dimov 1975-, Гънгов, Александър Любенов 1961- (науч. ръководител), Левинас, Еманюел (за него)
Формат: Книга
Език: Bulgarian
Публикувано: София, 2013.
Онлайн достъп: Пълен текст
Резюме: Considering the problem of ethical language, the dissertation lays a demarcation line between the logos and the conversation with the other, which is disclosed in the imperative and the response, i.e. through the being-for-the-other. Thus the relationship between the "I" and the other does not suppose a dialogue. Presenting the issue of metaphysics from the ethical perspective of Levinas, the dissertation analyses both the very dimension of ethical metaphysics (in which the other and the "I" represent the two extreme points the highest and the lowest) and the condition of the "I" in its Being of responsibility for the Other. The novelty of this work is the presentation of the process in which the "I," in its being-for- the-other, in its being before the face of the other enters a process of unwinding of its arbitrary projects. That movement is presented in this work as a "grotesque movement," which is an opposite of the hyper-bolic (self-throwing) movement. In other words, the "I," under the imperative of the other, changes its imperialistic character and becomes "me," which Levinas describes as passive, as responsible. That is what is referred to as the "I" becoming other for itself. A special attention is paid to the terminology which Levinas uses. Specific accent is put not only to the purely Levinasian terms, but also lo concepts of Descartes, Kant, Kusserl, Gadamer, awl Heidegger, which he elaborates and views wed, his ethical pejedicc.
Описание на библ. документ: Кор. опис.
Физически характеристики: 67 с. ; 21 см.
Библиография: Библиогр. с. 59-67