Корично изображение Електронна книга
  • Just what is interactive teaching? / Janet Moyles
  • Scuppering discussion? Interaction in theory and practice / Roger Merry and Janet Moyles
  • Interactive teaching: a cause for concern? / Linda Hargreaves, Anthony Pell and Janet Moyles
  • It's what I've always done! Teachers' knowledge of interactive teaching / Fred Paterson and Janet Moyles
  • Scratching the surface: a typology of interactive teaching / Veronica Esarte-Sarries and Fred Paterson
  • Digging deeper: a typology of interactive teaching / Fred Paterson and Veronica Esarte-Sarries
  • Teacher-pupil interaction and interactive teaching: Is there a difference in practice? / Linda Hargreaves, Anthony Pell and Roger Merry
  • Teachers' voices: case studies from the SPRINT project / Fred Paterson and Morag Hunter-Carsch
  • It wasn't as bad as I thought! Learning from reflective dialogues / Janet Moyles, Fred Paterson and Neil Kitson
  • Can we talk about that later? The tensions and conflicts of teaching interactively in the literacy hour / Eve English, Jane Hislam and Linda Hargreaves
  • Interactive teaching: digging even deeper into meanings / Janet Moyles, Linda Hargreaves and Roger Merry.