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The current dissertation was created during a period of transition from both global and local point of view; globally – there is a change in the philosophy of the Bulgarian educational system, and locally– when we talk about transition from integrated education to inclusive education. The dissertation gives emphasis to the exploration of some possibilities for the institutions (their employee’s attitude) in the pre-school and school education system to adapt to the changed ambient conditions basing on the internal resources. Simultaneously, the object of the thesis was to develop a system of instruments for improving the management of the learning and cognitive process throughout the children and pupils’ with special educational needs integration (inclusion) into the mainstream education. The identification of the potentials, which the education experts could use in order to face the challenges in the system, resembles the philosophy of the instrument for management of the integration process provided in the thesis, namely, basing on the strong features of the child’s character, not the deficiencies. The system of the additional instruments provided in the dissertation was developed on the base of the normative documents and regulation for organization and conducting of the learning and cognitive process in the pre-school and school education system institutions. Therefore, the education experts would not get out of the current model; they will only determine its possibilities.